Friday, January 13, 2006

The thrill of victory...

and the agony of defeat.... Maguire north update.

Many of you got our excited calls last week as Matt won two wrestling matches. He was pinning his competition in the second match as time expired. So for a brief moment, we had an excited wrestler in our midst. That came to a screeching halt last night as Matt was pinned in the third period of his match. Many of you may realize that I am a terrible loser, maybe I just don't have enough practice (haha). Well Matt was very, very angry and left a nice message to that effect on his bedroom chalkboard. Kate was very concerned because Matt had been sooo excited before the match.

I told her that as long as Matt can channel this rage into becoming better it will be okay. I guess it is a good lesson for me too. In other news, Matt got an A++ on his Lenape Indian project. It was a real victory because it was such a battle to get him to put a consistent effort into the project. Next project: the water cycle.

Sam started basketball last weekend. It's just an instructional league - meeting for the next month or so on saturday mornings. He is enjoying it and I'm sure he'll be improving in leaps and bounds. Sam continues to excel in school and it seems that his teacher showers him with gifts. I wonder if Miss Kennedy is infatuated with our little Sam.

Joe actually went into his pre-school yesterday without kicking, punching or screaming. Furthermore, he did not punch or bite any of his classmates. So it was a good day!!! Joe has been battling various maladies - coughing, sneezing, runny nose and occaisional vomiting... It's been a tough January for Little Joe. Like the girl with the curl, when he's good he's really good, but when he's bad - he's rotten.

Kate and I are trying to make sense of the new year. We are hoping to be better friends and family members via phone, visits etc... Furthermore, we're striving to be healthier in the ways we eat and exercise. A tall order to be sure but we're pretty motivated and have been inspired by the silliness of the "biggest loser". We are continuing to try and get plugged into our community. We're making some friends at church and Kate does a great job of meeting people at school and wrestling practice.

Last week, my friend Jay came up. We managed to watch many hours of football and Arrested Development. We also squeezed in 18 holes of golf on a beautiful monday afternoon. We grilled T-Bones drank a little beer and generally had a great time. I owe Kate big-time.

That's all for now... GO STEELERS.


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